Big, powerful and very comfortable, our Marlin 790 offers a whole new level of RIB, providing one of the the best rides in the 8 meters range. Cruise, excellent maneuvering , different fun elements and performance quality make this RIB the perfect one for water sports and fast cruising for up to 12 people, while the big compartments makes this boat perfect for storing all equipment. On deck, both the rear and front offer nice options for enjoying leisure day or water sports day. New, fast and fun are the match words when it comes to the Marlin 790 exterior look, while inside design is designed for nice day of fun.
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Elastīgs: Atceļot rezervāciju ne vēlāk kā 7 dienas pirms reģistrēšanās, var atmaksāt 100% no jahtas maksas summas, bet atceļot rezervāciju ne vēlāk kā 1 dienu pirms reģistrēšanās - 50%. vairāk
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